Personalised Nutrition
An evidence based food plan specifically tailored to you.
"My passion is to help my clients achieve the best version of themselves. By understanding the connection and impact of food and lifestyle choices you can optimise your health and well being."

Why choose Janet?
Before training in nutrition, I worked extensively in the food industry on commercial brand development and production. It was this experience that led me to explore the impact of diet on health and the development of disease, as well as other lifestyle factors.
Since completing my nutrition training I have worked successfully with hundreds of clients with a broad range of health problems. The focus of my work involves identifying good food combinations to suit each individual client, working towards achieving their optimum health and ongoing well-being.
My extensive food knowledge enables me to create individually designed, easy to follow meal plans which include foods you enjoy eating and will help achieve your health goals. I regularly attend nutrition seminars and keep up to date with advances in the scientific study of nutrition and its application to individuals. Using targeted nutrition, my approach can achieve excellent short and long-term results.
Latest News
Eat Smart, Keep your Brain Sharp

Memory is as natural to us as breathing. It is an ability we all have and yet rarely think of it. Unless we think we may be losing that ability. Everyone has annoying memory lapses, but worse is the anxiousness that comes with these lapses if they become more frequent and probably the greatest fear is dementia. People have come to expect that, as they age their ability to remember and recall information may deteriorate, but this is not necessarily true. Occasional forgetfulness is...
Strengthen your Self Defences - Top Tips for Immune Support

There is no better time to support your immune system to ensure your bodies response to potential attack is robust and appropriate. Healthy immune function is linked to many aspects of our health. When performing well it protects the body against bacterial and viral infections, cancer cells and unwanted foreign substances. A strong immune system will leave you less susceptible to illness. Your immune system is composed of lymphatic vessels and organs (lymph nodes, thymu...
Top Tips for Coping with Menopause

Menopause is a stage in the life of every woman that can’t be ignored or avoided. Menopause and the symptoms associated with it are different for each woman. For some it just passes without incident and for others it is a difficult and ongoing challenge involving a series of debilitating symptoms that effect their daily lives. The fluctuations in oestrogen levels before and during menopause can cause symptoms such as tiredness, hot flushes, poor and interrupted sleep, headaches, night...
Take Action Now!
Without the nutrients your body needs your metabolic processes suffer and your mental and physical health declines.
Discover your Optimum Nutrition
A nutrition analysis will show the foods you need to optimise your health and vitality. A personalised programme is the best way to achieve your health goals and wellbeing.
Understand Balance and Synergy
The correct balance of nutrients is vital in supporting and enhancing all our body functions. An imbalance can negatively impact physical and mental health.
Improve your Gut Health
Learn how to optimise your digestion and absorption of precious nutrients.
Meal Planning
Save precious time and money. Ensure you have the ingredients you need. Let me design a meal plan for you!
Fitness and Performance
Peak performance is achieved by combining the right foods and fitness programme for your individual lifestyle.
Smart Eating
Diet is a significant factor in poor mental health and other conditions affecting the brain. Learn about Smart Foods for You!
How much will a consultation cost?
Charge for first consultation
Includes a one-to-one consultation, a personalised meal plan with recipes and email support
Follow up consultation
What My Clients Say
I had been feeling low in energy and constantly tired. I had begun to feel that this was normal due to my busy lifestyle. I knew my diet was sub-optimal but could not see how I could change when I had so little free time. By making some very simple changes to my weekly food shop and diet, I felt so much better almost immediately. I had a lot more energy, felt more positive and in control of a hectic work and home schedule. I now fully appreciate the importance of eating a well balanced, whole food diet.
I had forgotten what normal felt like. The small changes Janet made to my diet not only gave me a feeling of well being but had the welcome side effect of loosing some weight. I would happily recommend Janet to others.
For some years I have suffered from acid reflux. This would cause me a lot of discomfort, particularly after mealtimes. I was fortunate to have Janet recommended to me. With her help in formulating meal plans and identifying a suitable supplement programme I am now able to manage my condition to an acceptable level and enjoy my food without worrying about feeling unwell after eating a meal.
Before seeing Janet I had a terrible time trying to stay awake in the afternoons, having an irresistible urge to lie down around 2pm. The same would happen once I got home from work and I would need an hours nap before being able to cook dinner. I also was trying to get pregnant and wanted to be nutritionally fit to prepare my body for pregnancy. Janet helped me see where I was going wrong with my diet and gave me plenty of recipes to try. Straight away I could tell a difference in my energy levels and I haven’t looked back since. I now have bundles of energy to last me through the day, which is especially needed to look after my 2 month old daughter!